Monday, August 3, 2015

I like people who are happy and make other people happy simply by being present. I like people that make me laugh so hard I cant breathe, I like long conversations under the stars about love, about life, about all the millions of things I am not able to wrap my mind around. I like to watch peoples eyes light up when they talk about something they love. I love people that are so passionate about what they love that they can't stand to not talk about. I'm so drawn to these kind of people and it really doesn't matter to me if its a common interest we have or if we share completely different beliefs. It's a beautiful thing to be able to connect with people with passion and not make judgements because our passions are different. We weren't put on this earth to be the same or to try to make people more like us. Find your own purpose, do your own thing and respect everyone...It's really simple.


"I am homesick for a place I'm not sure exists" I have a burning desire to get out of this town and experience the world. I want to climb mountains, stand under waterfalls, see cities I've never seen, and connect with unique and open minded people. I want to learn everything I can about every culture and fall in love with every sight. I want to taste the freedom of going wherever the wind takes me and not worrying about tomorrow. I don't ever want to fit into someones picture of how I'm suppose to live my life. I'm going to live a life full of mistakes that turned into good lessons, risks that turn into best stories and happiness that's so contagious you cant be around me without catching it. I have a craving for something more and I don't even fully understand it but I will find it.
At the end of my life I would rather have a a passport full of stamps and life full of unforgettable moments than I nice car and nice house full of expensive things.