Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Fitness Journey

Fitness is more to me then going to the gym a couple times a week and making through my workout so I can go home and watch a movie. It's not about trying to look hot in a bikini or trying to look better than someone else. I started working out when I was at a very low place in my life. Honestly I just didn't really like myself. I treated myself badly and didn't require other people to treat me any different because I didn't know my own self worth. I hate to remember that girl sometimes. I wish I would have taken better care of myself and I wish I wouldn't have let people treat me like they did but I had to get to that low place in order to realize I needed to make some changes in my life. When I started going to the gym I wasn't really concerned about Health. I just wanted to look better and needed a hobby that kept me out of trouble. Even though I was just trying to improve my body I started realizing improvements in my health, my mood, how I viewed myself, and how I viewed life. The gym has become something I look forward to everyday and fitness has become more than just a hobby its a lifestyle. I love the challenge, I love crushing goals, and I want to be the best version of myself possible. I am not the same person I was two years ago. My goal is to be healthy, strong, confident and most of all happy. Everyday is another chance to be better than I was yesterday. I have a long way to go before I am where I want to be but I have literally fallen in love with fitness. I've learned that I am capable of whatever I put my mind to. I have learned to love myself and take care of myself. Its a process, I still struggle everyday but I'm learning everyday and I hope to be able to share my love for fitness with others.


  1. Beautiful Naqah! Rock on sister <3

  2. Praying that your dreams unfold. 💖

  3. I love that you wrote this down. I know exactly what you mean. When I was your age I did the same things to myself. God helped me out of that pit and I am glad you have found something that helps you. You have turned into a beautiful young lady, inside and out.
